Nuisance or proactive customer?
We’ve all experienced “nuisance” customers – those who pick up on the slightest thing. They delight in writing to the Chief Executive and even write to the Press. Why not turn them on their heads? (no, not that way!).
You may see them as serial complainers, but they have an interest in your business. And they give feedback! Encouraging customers to give feedback is a great way to build your business. You will build up a community of proactive customers. And they will express an opinion without you always having to ask for it.
Proactive customers are essential for customer experiences to become superior. They are willing to co-create experiences and value with the brand. You provide the resources for customers to add value, guiding them where needed. Proactive customers may have a strong voice, so it is important to keep track.
Amicus Horizon collaborated with its customers to produce an inclusive customer experience strategy. It aligns technology with service delivery. They offer their customers different ways to review their policies, processes and website. Customers choose how much time they spend on feedback. By joining the “Your View” panel, customers can comment on draft policies and strategies.
Members of LV= can vote and attend their Annual General Meetings (AGMs). A month before the AGM, LV= writes to all their members inviting them to take part and have a say in how to run the company. In 2012 they introduced online voting for the first time. Eighteen per cent of their members voted this way. LV= also has a Member Panel for customers. Customers on this panel meet with the board, executive and senior managers twice a year. They hear about progress and debate strategy, performance and the way LV= does things.
Why not make it easy for your customers to tell you what they think and feel? – many times they will have ideas that you haven’t even thought of!
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